


En In production Productions

Never too late

Never too late



Coming of Age, Adventure

10 x 30′


Lorenzo Vignolo, Salvatore de Chirico

Federica Pontremoli, Camilla Paternò, Simona Coppini in collaboration with  Salvatore de Chirico

Arianna Becheroni, Roberto Nocchi, Matteo Taranto, Dana Giuliano, Mikaela Neaze Silva, Jacqueline Di Giacomo, Manuel Rossi, Elisa Pierdominici, Antonio Gargiulo, Caterina Bertone, Daniele Natali, Elena Cucci, Roberta Mattei

Propaganda Italia
Rai Fiction

Italy: Rai Play
International Sales: Rai Com

Salvatore de Chirico (Creative Producer), Paolo Bellan (Cinematography), Dario Lanzellotti (Music), Manuel Grieco, Simone Spampinato, Federico Lena (Editing), Marta Marrone (Production Design), Marta Genovese (Costume Design), Giuseppe Manfré (Sound Recording), Erik Caretta – HIVE DIVISION (VFX Supervisor)


2046. The air has become unbreathable and the planet is suffering from a lack of oxygen. Green Militias are in power and have been denying people all contact with Nature for years in order to heal it. In NUR, in Sardinia, stretches one of the few remaining surviving forests, bordered by an impassable wall and guarded by drones. Five teenagers, who grew up without ever having touched a tree or taken a swim in the sea, decide to enter the forest, risking their lives, to discover the truth about their parents’ disappearance and take back their future. Because to change the’s never too late.

With the support of

Europa Creativa Media Logo
En In production Productions





Fantasy, Family


Pier Paolo Paganelli

Jacopo Del Giudice, Davide Rossetti, Pier Paolo Paganelli

Vittoria Puccini, Mia McGovern Zaini, Claudio “Greg” Gregori, Mia Benedetta, Stefano Pesce, Massimo Pio Giunto, Zackari Delmas, Lorenzo Nohman, Giorgio Panariello, Paolo Sassanelli, Giorgio Colangeli

Propaganda Italia
Potemkino [be]

Martina Cocco (Cinematography), Stefano Ratchev & Mattia Carratello (Music), Manuel Grieco (Editing), Federico Costantini (Production Design), Nicoletta Taranta (Costume Design), Daniele Maraniello (Sound Design), Giuseppe Squillaci (VFX Supervisor)

On his deathbed, Ludovico entrusts his daughter Margot to the housekeeper, Felicia, asking that the family villa be transformed into an orphanage so that the little girl can grow up in joy with other children. But the wicked Felicia only wants the little girl’s assets and not take care of her. With the complicity of her suitor, Max, she exploits the orphaned children and keeps Margot segregated and neglected to the point that the child withdraws into herself and no longer speaks. One night, however, Margot manages to escape and, after overcoming the darkness of the woods, she comes across a circus. The little girl is greeted by Charlie, the white clown, who introduces her to the secret that makes their circus unique: the old big top is magical, capable of showing anyone who enters its ring for who they truly are. Margot shines and, without even realizing it, finds her voice again. Welcomed by her new circus family, Margot is reborn, but Felicia is looking for her… Will the little girl be able to reclaim her roots and free herself from Felicia’s clutches?

With the support of

Europa Creativa Media Logo
En In production Productions







Sonia Bergamasco

Maria Paola Pierini and Sonia Bergamasco

Propaganda Italia, Quoiat Films and Luce Cinecittà

Italy: Luce Cinecittà
International Sales: TBC

duse the greatest

A hundred years after the death of Eleonora Duse, Sonia Bergamasco takes us on an investigation into the actress who changed the acting profession forever, inspiring Lee Strasberg, the historic director of the Actors Studio, and generations of actors. How can a woman of whom only a silent film and a few photos and portraits remain, still be so influential? The Divina beyond the myth.

With the support of

Europa Creativa Media Logo

financial support granted: €29,865.24

En In development Productions

Oblique 616

Oblique 616



Drama, Dystopian


Lyda Patitucci

Milo Tissone, Federica Pontremoli, Marcus Fleming

Propaganda Italia
GapBusters [be]
Fantastic Films [ei]

It’s the third decade of the 21st century, and Nobel Prize for Medicine Olivia Levi discovers the existence of the Obliques, a minority of the population born with a genetic conformation which changes their natural anthroposphere. The mere presence of an Oblique damages any other human being just like a radioactive element. People are terrified by this discovery. The Obliques are finally segregated in reservations, kept under control and placed far from cities and inhabited lands. Made to produce silk, which shields their radiations. But are the Obliques the origin of all evil or are they part of a new natural balance?

With the support of

Europa Creativa Media Logo
En In distribution Productions

After Work

After Work






Erik Gandini

Erik Gandini

Yoo Ga Yeon, Yoo Deug Young, Armando Pizzoni, Josh Davis, Elizabeth S. Anderson, Pa Sinyan, Noam Chomsky, Astrid Moss, Meqdad Al Kout, Mai Al Nakib, ‘Fatima’, Rory Marzotto, Ferdinando Businaro, Luca Ricolfi, Jeong Boseong, Yuval Harari, Elon Musk, Janis Varufakis,
Lee Jae-Gap, Kim Young Joo

Fasad [se]
Propaganda Italia
Rai Cinema
Indie Film as [no]

Italy: Fandango
International Sales: CAT&Docs

Fredrik Wenzel (Cinematography), Johan Söderberg (Music and Editing), Christoffer Berg (Composer), Chiara Andrich (Sound Recordist)

Most jobs that exist today might disappear within decades. What will this mean to us as human beings? Through four stories After Work explores what may happen to us when we don’t work. In the next 15 years, it is estimated that about half of the workforce will be replaced by automation and artificial intelligence. Are we ready for this change? What will it entail on an existential level? What will we do, in essence, when we no longer have to work? Through the direct experiences of its protagonists in four emblematic nations – Kuwait, South Korea, USA and Italy – After Work explores what could be the new work ethic, compatible with a future “work free existence”.

Festivals & Awards

CPH:DOX 2023 | Competition

Vision Du Réel 2023 | Grand Angle

Hot Docs Festival 2023

Millennium Docs Against Gravity 2023 | Fetish and Culture

Biografilm Festival 2023 | Contemporary Lives

Euganea Film Festival 2023 Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de la Ciudad de México 2023

Chicago International Film Festival 2023 | Documentary Competition

Mirage Film Festival – The Art of the Real 2023

Film Fest Hamburg 2023

DIG Festival 2023

Labour Film Festival 2023

Ortigia Film Festival 2023 | Competition

One World Film Festival 2024 | International Competition

En In distribution Library Productions








Andrea Pallaoro

Andrea Pallaoro, Orlando Tirado

Trace Lysette, Patricia Clarkson, Adriana Barraza, Emily Browning, Joshua Close

Monica-The Movie LLC [us]
Propaganda Italia
Rai Cinema
Fenix Entertainment
Alacran Pictures [us]

Italy: I Wonder Pictures
International Sales: The Exchange

Katelin Arizmendi (Cinematography), Paola Freddi (Editing), Andrew Clark (Production Design), Patrik Milani (Costume Design)

Monica is an intimate portrait of a woman who returns home after a long absence to confront the wounds of her past. Reconnecting with her mother and the rest of her family for the first time since leaving as a teenager, Monica embarks on a path of healing and acceptance. The film delves into Monica’s internal world and state of mind, her pain and fears, her needs and desires, to explore the universal themes of abandonment and forgiveness.

Festivals & Awards

79th Venice International Film Festival | Competition
Premio Arca Cinema Giovani – Miglior Film Italiano

Busan International Film Festival 2022 | World Cinema

Annecy Cinéma Italien 2022 | Competition
Prix du Meilleur Film

Chicago International Film Festival 2022 | International Competition

Warsaw Film Festival 2022 | Special Screenings

International Film Festival Vienna 2022 | Features

Afi – Los Angeles International Film Festival 2022

Stockholms Film Festival 2022 | American Independents

Gijon International Film Festival 2022 | Sección Oficial

Tallin Black Nights Film Festival 2022 | Special Screenings

International Film Festival of India 2022 | Festival Kaleidoscope

Marrakech International Film Festival 2022 | Special Screenings

Festival del Cinema Italiano di Madrid 2022 | Largometrajes

BFI Flare 2023

D’A Barcelona Film Festival 2023

The Newport Beach Film Festival 2023

En In distribution Library Productions





Drama, Horror



Paolo Strippoli

Jacopo Del Giudice,
Paolo Strippoli,
Gustavo Hernanádez

Fabrizio Rongione, Cristiana Dell’Anna, Francesco Gheghi, Aurora Menenti, Lèon De La Vallée, Nicolò Galasso, Ondina Quadri, Elena Di Cioccio,
Orso Maria Guerrini, Federigo Ceci

Propaganda Italia
GapBusters [be]

Italy: Fandango
International Sales: Rai Com

Raf Keunen (Musiche), Cristiano Di Nicola (Direttore della Fotografia), Marco Spoletini (Montaggio), Nello Giorgetti (Scenografia), Nicoletta Taranta (Costumi), Paul Maernoudt e Antoine Vandendriessche (Suono di presa diretta), Marc Bastien (Sound Design), Franco Piscopo (Mix), Giuseppe Squillaci (Supervisione VFX)

In recent days Rome has been the scene of an unusual event: when it rains, the manholes exhale a dense steam of unknown origin and composition. No one knows that those who breathe in the mysterious substance will have to deal with what they repress, their darkest instincts, their anger. Not even the Morel family.

Festivals & Awards

Fantastic Fest 2022 | Official Selection 

Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival 2022 | International Fantastic Competition

Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia 2022 | Panorama Fantàstic

Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2022 | Feature Film Competition
Special Jury Award

Festa del Cinema di Roma, Alice nella Città | Panorama Italia 

Curtas Festival do Imaxinario 2022 | Official Fantastic Section
Mellor longametraxe
Mellor director de longametraxe – Paolo Strippoli
Mellor fotografía – Cristiano di Nicola
Mellores efectos especiais – Paolo Galliano (Supervisor efectos), Chiara Bartoli (Supervisor maquillaxe)

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival 2022 | Competition 
Wonderland Award Best Film 

Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre (BARS) 2022 | Competencia Internacional 
Best Actor – Francesco Gheghi

Genre Celebration Festival Tokyo 2022 | Competition
Best Horror Feature
Best Director – Paolo Strippoli
Best Actor – Fabrizio Rongione 

Festival del Cinema Italiano di Madrid 2022 | Largometrajes

Los Angeles Italia Festival 2023 | Italian Cinema Today

Festival del Cinema di Spello 2023 | Competition
Miglior Montaggio – Marco Spoletini
Migliori Effetti Visivi (VFX) – Giuseppe Squillaci

Manchester Film Festival 2023

HARD:LINE Film Festival 2023 | Long Film

JEONJU International Film Festival 2023 | Midnight Cinema

Festival International du Film Fantastique de Neuchâtel (NIFFF) 2023  | International Competition

With the support of

Europa Creativa Media Logo
En Library Productions

5 is the perfect number

5 is the perfect number
5 is the perfect number
5 is the perfect number
5 is the perfect number



Drama, Crime



Igort (Igor Tuveri)

Igort (Igor Tuveri)

Toni Servillo, Valeria Golino, Carlo Buccirosso, Lorenzo Lancellotti, Vincenzo Nemolato

Propaganda Italia
Jean Vigo Italia con Rai Cinema
Potemkino [be]
Mact Productions [fr]
Citè Films [fr]
Nour Films [fr]

Italy: 01 Distribution
International Sales: Playtime

Nicolaj Brüel (Cinematography), Esmeralda Calabria e Walter Fasano (Editing), D-Ross & Startuffo (Music), Nello Giorgetti (Production Design), Nicoletta Taranta (Costumes), Daniele Maraniello (Sound Recording), Giuseppe Squillaci (VFX Supervisor)

Peppino, a retired hitman for the Camorra, has now fully passed on his job and know-how to his single son, Nino. But when Nino is brutally assassinated, the old man is back in business to take revenge. Aside his everlasting love Rita and his longtime henchman Toto, Peppino will go to any lengths, even if it means bringing the Camorra down.

Festivals & Awards

76th Venice International Film Festival | Venice Days Competition
Francesco Pasinetti” Award Best Actress – Valeria Golino

FICE – Federazione Italiana Cinema d’Essai 2019
Best first-time Director Award – Igor “Igort” Tuveri

Cinéalma – L’âme de la méditerranée 2019 | Panorama

Sitges Festival International de Cinema Fantastic de Catalunya 2019 | Clausura – Fuera de Competición

Busan International Film Festival 2019 | Flash Forward Competition

Pingyao International Film Festival 2019 | Nocturne

Flanders International Film Festival Gent 2019 | Global Cinema

NICE New Italian Cinema Events Festival 2019 | Competition
N.I.C.E. Award City of Florence

Festival del Cinema Italiano di Madrid 2019 | Largometrajes

Ajaccio Italian Film Festival 2019 | Compétition
Mention Spéciale des Etudiantes de l’Università di Corsica
Mention Spéciale des Mediateques du Pumonte

Cinema Italian Style Los Angeles 2019 | Panorama

Festival Cinéma Méditerranéen de Bruxelles 2019 | Panorama

21st Cinearti International Award La Chioma di Berenice 2019
Best Director Award – Igor “Igort” Tuveri
Best Producer Award – Marina Marzotto
Best Production Design Award – Nello Giorgetti
Best Music Award – D-Ross & Startuffo
Best Costume Design Award – Nicoletta Taranta
Best Hairstyling Award – Alberta Giuliani
Best Editing Award – Esmeralda Calabria e Walter Fasano

International Film Festival of Kerala 2019, India | World Cinema

Capri Hollywood Award 2019 | Panorama
Capri Art Award – Igor “Igort” Tuveri

2^ Edizione Premio Umberto Lenzi 2020
Best first-time Director Award – Igor “Igort” Tuveri

Italian Film Festival Festival London – Cinema Made in Italy 2020 | Panorama

Brussels International Film Festival of Fantastic 2020 | Out of Competition
Best Actor in a Leading Role Award – Toni Servillo

David di Donatello 2020
Best Actress in a Supporting Role Award – Valeria Golino
Nomination Best Actor in a Leading Role – Toni Servillo
Nomination Best Actor in a Supporting Role – Carlo Buccirosso
Nomination Best Costume Design – Nicoletta Taranta
Nomination Best first-time Director – Igor “Igort” Tuveri
Nomination Best Production Design – Nello Giorgetti
Nomination Best Sound – Daniele Maraniello (Sound Recording), Max Gobiet (Boom
Operator), Giuseppe D’Amato (Sound Editor), Francesco Albertelli (Sound Effects Editor),
Marcos Molina Jaime (Mix)
Nomination Best Make-Up – Andreina Becagli, Chiara Bartoli (prosthetic)
Nomination Best Visual Effects – Giuseppe Squillaci (Film VFX Supervisor), Ivan
Cappiello (VFX/Animations Supervisor), Jan Hameeuw (VFX Supervisor)

Global Ciak Awards 2020

Best Poster Award
Nomination Best first-time Director – Igor “Igort” Tuveri
Nomination Best Actress – Valeria Golino

La Pellicola d’Oro Award 2020
Best Cinema Gaffer Award – Alessio Bramucci
Best Camera Operator Award – Emiliano Leurini
Nomination Best Actor in a Leading Role – Toni Servillo
Nomination Best Line Producer – Gabriele Pacitto
Nomination Best Weapon Master – Vincenzo Fasciato
Nomination Best Storyboard Artist – Cristiano Donzelli
Nomination Best Key Grip – Massimo Rinella

Silver Ribbons Awards 2020
Best Actress in a Supporting Role Award – Valeria Golino
Nomination Best first-time Director – Igor “Igort” Tuveri
Nomination Best Actor in a Supporting Role – Carlo Buccirosso
Nomination Best Costume Design – Nicoletta Taranta

Bifest – Bari International Film & 2020 | Competition
Gabriele Ferzetti Award Best Actor in a Leading Role – Toni Servillo

Sardegna oltre il mare 2020
Navicella Sardegna Award – Igor “Igort” Tuveri

77th Venice International Film Festival | Kineo Diamanti del Cinema Italiano Award
Nomination Best First Feature
Nomination Best Actor in a Supporting Role – Carlo Buccirosso

Istanbul International Film Festival 2020 | Best of the Fests

Afic – Premio Cinema Giovane e Festival delle Opere Prime 2020 | Panorama
Best Director Award – Igor “Igort” Tuveri
Best Production Design Award – Nello Giorgetti
Best Make-Up Award – Andreina Becagli, Chiara Bartoli (prosthetic)

Festival de Cinema Italiano no Brasil 2020

Festa do Cinema Italiano 8 ½ Brasile 2021 | Panorama

Journées du Cinéma Italien de Nice 2021 | Compétition

En Library Productions

The Ploy

The Ploy
The Ploy
The Ploy



Drama, Crime



David Grieco

Guido Bulla
David Grieco

Massimo Ranieri, Libero De Rienzo, Matteo Taranto
François-Xavier Demaison, Milena Vukotic, Roberto Citran, Alessandro Sardelli, Paolo Bonacelli

Propaganda Italia
Montfluor Films
To Be Continued [Fr]

Italy: Microcinema
International Sales: Rai Com

Pink Floyd’s Atom Heart Mother Suite (Music), Fabio Zamarion (Cinematography), Francesco Bilotti (Editing), Carmelo Agate (Production Design), Nicoletta Taranta (Costume Design)

In the summer of 1975, Pier Paolo Pasolini’s film Salò or the 120 days of Sodom is stolen from the lab where he is editing it. This is just the first step of an intricate plan that will bring the great poet to his violent death.

Festivals & Awards

Moscow International Film Festival 2016 | Competition
Nomination Golden St. George – David Grieco

L’Isola del Cinema 2016 | Opere Prime e Seconde
Best Actor in a Supporting Role Award – Libero de Rienzo

Globo d’Oro 2016
Nomination Best Actor – Libero de Rienzo 
Nomination Best Screenplay – David Grieco e Guido Bulla

Nastri d’argento 2016
Nomination Best Actress in a Supporting Role – Milena Vukotic
Nomination Best Cinematography – Fabio Zamarion

Magna Grecia Film Festival 2016 | Competition
Best Screenplay Award – Guido Bulla e David Grieco

Annecy Italian Cinema Festival 2016 | Competition
Prix d’Interpretation Masculine – Massimo Ranieri

Russia-Italia Film Festival 2016 | Panorama
Grand Prix du Jury

Recontres du Cinéma Italien à Toulouse 2016 | Compétition
Prix du Jury Etudiants

Festival del Cinema di Porretta Terme 2016 | Fuori dal Giro
Giovani Acqua Cerelia Award

Á la Découverte du Nouveau Cinéma d’ Auteur Italien 2017 | Panorama

Festival du Cinéma Italien Contemporain 2017 | Panorama

Festival du Cinéma Italien de Bastia | Compétition
Nomination Grand Jury Prize – David Grieco

Italian Film Festival in Scotland 2017 | Panorama

Festival du Cinema Contemporain Italien de Tours 2017 | Compétition
Prix Ville de Tours

Premio La Pellicola d’Oro 2017
Best Costume Atelier Award

Shanghai International Film Festival 2017 | Cinema World

Premio Charlot 2017
Best Director Award – David Grieco

Festival del Cinema Italiano di Belgrado 2017 | Panorama

Festival du Cinéma Italien de Montélimar 2019 | Panorama


About Us

We don't fake it
We make it

Company Profile

Founded in 2003 by Marina Marzotto and Propaganda SA, it was born as an Italian branch of the international network Propaganda Global Entertainment Marketing. In January 2014, it became primarily a cine-audiovisual production company, alternating development and production of its own projects with the work of executive production and development consultancy for third parties. It became entirely independent in 2016 following the sale of Propaganda G.E.M. to Wanda Group.

From 2014 to 2017, the company handled the executive production of Alessandra Galletta’s Obsession Vezzoli (2015) and co-produced Stefano Grossi’s Enemy of Islam (2016), produced David Grieco’s The Ploy (2016), an Italy-France co-production starring Massimo Ranieri and Libero De Rienzo, and handled the executive production of Alberto Rondalli’s Agadah (2017), based on Jan Potocki’s Manuscript Found in Zaragoza.

The following year, Propaganda produced 5 is the perfect number written and directed by Igort (2019) and based on his 2002 homonymous comic book. The film, an Italy-Belgium-France co-production, starring Toni Servillo, Valeria Golino and Carlo Buccirosso had its international debut in competition, at 2019 Venice Days and then was selected at major international festivals such as Busan, Sitges, Ghent and Pingyao. It won 7 Berenice Awards, including Best Director and Best Producer and was nominated for 9 David di Donatello and 4 Nastri d’Argento, where, in both cases Valeria Golino won as Best Actress in a Leading Role.


Over the past two years, in addition to pursuing the path of international co-productions in feature films, the Company has invested in editorial development including TV Series. In 2022, Flowing, a drama-horror, directed by Paolo Strippoli and starring Fabrizio Rongione, Cristiana Dell’Anna and Francesco Gheghi, co-produced by GapBusters (Be), began its distribution run. Already winner of the Solinas Prize for Best Screenplay in 2017, the film debuted at Fantastic Fest in Austin and then went on to being selected at dozens of national and international festivals including Sitges, Alice nella Città and receiving: the Jury Prize for Best Film at the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival; awards for Best Film, Best Director, Best Cinematography and Best SFX at the 50th Curtas Festival do Imaxinario; the Wonderland Award for Best Film at the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival; Best Actor Award to Francesco Gheghi at the Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre FF and the Caligari Award for Best Italian Genre Movie at the Noir in Festival. In 2022, Andrea Pallaoro’s Monica, first American film of the award-winning director and first official US co-production for Propaganda, also began its distribution run. The film debuted in competition at the Venice Film Festival followed by the participation at over 15 international festivals including: Busan, Chicago, AFI, Gijon, Marrakech and Tallinn. In 2023 Propaganda continued its distribution run with the release of After Work, a creative documentary by the Italian-Swedish Erik Gandini, and in 2024 is scheduled for release Alan Friel’s sci-fi thriller Woken, starring Erin Kellyman and Maxine Peake. Currently in production is the series Never too late in co-production with Rai Fiction and the family Incanto by Pier Paolo Paganelli. In preparation to go on-set the dystopian film Oblique 616 by Lyda Patitucci.

Editorial Line

An independent, dynamic and growing production that develops and produces Films, TV Series and Documentaries for the national and international market. Propaganda has a tailored approach and pays meticulous attention to the entire production process, defining the positioning of each film right from the development phase. Narrative tension, the fundamental pull of every project, plays a central role. The search for new stories, strong stories, genre experimentation is constant, thanks to a solid scouting activity on the Solinas Prize, and not only, and to a continuous and attentive look at the young talents emerging from the National Film School - CSC. The mission is to propagate stories, authors and new Italian talents and elevate them to an international fruition, through an audio-visual language that is Italian as much as universal. For this reason, all the projects are born from the constant dialogue with international markets and are co-produced with international partners.



Founder & Senior Partner

Partner of the international network Propaganda Global Entertainment Marketing where she worked for over 10 years in the field of film financing and film promotion for productions such as Warner, Summit Entertainment, Lux Vide, Cattleya, Fandango… and clients like Bulgari, BMW Group, Diesel, Campari and others, managing tax incentives and cross promotion and product placement activities for major national and international films including the Twilight Saga, Mission Impossible and Matrix. She was Head of Communication of Salvatore Ferragamo Worldwide in 2000-2002 and General Manager of Moviemax Media Group in 2012-2013. She has been a jury member in many Festivals and is a regular juror at the Franco Solinas Screenwriting Awards in the newest Italy-Spain co-development award. She was awarded the Chioma di Berenice – Cinearti International Award as Best Film Producer in 2019. She was President of A.G.I.C.I. – Association of Independent Cine-Audiovisual Industries for eight years. She is currently on the A.G.I.C.I. board of directors as Vice President.



C.E.O. & Partner

Joined Propaganda in 2017 bringing over 15 years of experience in international distribution of rights. He held the position of Head of International Sales in RAI Group for 7 years where he managed the commercialization of all the Group's intellectual property rights: films, TV Series, documentaries, music and channels, working with BBC, ZDF, HBO, Canal +, France TV, NHK, TVE, SKY, Amazon and Netflix. As Head of Licensing in RAI Trade he imported and distributed successful properties such as Peppa Pig. He was involved in the marketing of sports rights for FC Juventus in 2005-2006 and closed agreements for RAI's first VAS services with telephone operators in 2004. He has a multi-year background in international business consulting firms.



Finance Senior Advisor

Joined Propaganda in May 2023 as Financial Advisor in the area of finance, tax and management control. He held the position of member of the Board of Directors in Propaganda. Silvio has over 30 years of experience as C-level executive manager in several industries culminating as a senior central manager for a major public multinational corporation. He also likes to work as independent auditor.


Valentina Mayer

Head of Legal Affairs

Joined Propaganda in 2022. Lawyer specialized in European law, media and entertainment law, she completed an LL.M. in European Business Law in the Netherlands and a Master in European Audiovisual Management in Italy. She worked several years in Brussels for primary international law firms and then over 15 years as a legal advisor to multinational and national entities and companies (including Lux Vide, Discovery, QVC, Fondazione Cinema per Roma), acquiring considerable experience on intellectual property and on the protection and exploitation of film, television, music, publishing and digital products, dealing not only with the more strictly contractual profiles, but also with national and European regulatory aspects of the digital, media and entertainment sectors.



Marketing and Communication Director

Joined Propaganda in September 2020. Marketing Director with over 15 years of experience in film distribution for Warner Bros. Entertainment Italia, Moviemax Italia and M2 Pictures. She has been involved in developing, implementing and executing marketing strategies of several international films and in the management of the creative process developing unique and original campaigns. Among the films distributed Alpha Dog, Hairspray, Nim’s Island, Buried, Parnassus, Saw 3D, Warrior, Arbitrage, The Perks of Being a Wallfolwer, Love Rosie, Jobs, John Wick, Cabin In the Woods, Step Up 4 Revolution, Step Up All In, Fallen, London Has Fallen, Pelé, Bad Moms, The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, Hellboy.



Editorial Director

Joined Propaganda in November 2021. He worked as screenwriter and senior story editor for Lotus Production, focusing on TV-series development. Previously he has worked for major Italian production and distribution companies, such as Leone Film Group, Fandango, Medusa and Videa. He teaches writing and production for the master’s degree at the University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and the University La Sapienza in Rome. As a screenwriter he created the docuseries Tech Emotion for Sky Arte and various short films selected in principal Italian and international film festivals.


Cristina Rajola

Fund Manager

Joined Propaganda in 2018 to manage public funding applications. She is an Italian producer and executive producer, expert in film financing. Graduated in Cinema Studies in 2004, Cristina starts to work in documentary filmmaking in 2005. She became a EURODOC graduate in 2012 and was selected as as “producer in focus” by EDN for CPH: DOX 2014. She has worked as a grant writer for several films, including Matteo Garrone’s The Tales of the Tales. She’s also a visual archive researcher and has contributed to films such as Videocracy by Erik Gandini and Shooting the mafia by Kim Longinotto.



Administration & Office Manager

In the entertainment industry for over 10 years. She joined Propaganda team in 2008 as Administration & Office Manager. In 2012 she held the position of Office Manager in Moviemax Italia, an independent film distribution company, ensuring the proper functioning of all office operations and procedures, then returning in Propaganda in 2013. She fully experienced the transformation of the company from Entertainment Marketing Agency to Film Production, learning all the administrative peculiarities of the sector, becoming the administrative reference of the company.



Administration Assistant

Administrative assistant with many years of experience in professional firms and companies operating in various economic sectors. Joined Propaganda in 2023 to support the company's administrative and accounting activities in the processing, treatment and archiving of documents and the management of VAT and tax obligations.